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2013 May Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Chair James Shea, Bob Callahan, Leslie Tuttle, Chris Burke
Members Absent: Amy Everitt
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Director Park, Recreation & Community Services, David Gilbert, Manager, Winter Island, Angelo Meimeteas, Keri Cahill, Pat Burke, Pam Katsiris, Charlotte Alimenti, Albert Pszenny and John Reardon
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Chairman Shea at 6:44pm

Approval of April minutes

Motion to accept by Callahan.  One correction made by Tuttle.  Amended minutes motion by Callahan and seconded by Burke.


Angelo Meimeteas – Salem Willows Restroom Proposal

Shea read the proposal online and expressed concern about the dumpster.  Meimeteas responded that he could have a place to take the trash and have it taken away. No need for a dumpster.

Callahan – question about lease.

Callahan asked how long he’s looking to lease.   Meimeteas said he’s looking to stay around and that he was going to price the first 5 years.

Callahan confirmed that the RFP was for five years with the option to renew.  

Shea – what is the rent the city’s going to get. Partanen said that was negotiable depending on renovations.  Asked Meimeteas what he wanted to the rent to be.  He plans to put a good amount of money into it.  

Partanen said in his proposal they would put $75k of renovations to the building.  Looking at first five years – asking free rent for that, then perhaps $500 a month during season (April 15 – Nov 15).  Burke asked about permits and if the $75,000 startup costs include equipment that could be removed. It was stressed that the hood, electrical and plumbing couldn’t be removed.  Shea commented that once it’s attached, it’s ours.

Meimeteas opened a restaurant in Wells, ME and they’re using a similar idea and it’s running very well.  They’re in the third year in this business.  Tuttle said that they don’t have a clam shack.  Meimeteas wants to put a picnic table and make it very welcoming.  Partanen said he’s owned other similar businesses – Meimeteas said he used to own two roast beef places in Lynn but quit that because of the hours.

Burke thinks it’s great and wants him to do it and asked if Meimeteas’ has had people out to give an estimate.  Meimeteas responded that he’ll be doing the labor himself, which cuts down on the total cost.  That’s why he knows he can do it.  Shea said that if they’re going to give 5 years free rent, it’s a fair deal.  Shea’s concern is the trash and that needs to be taken in.  Meimeteas said he could use a metal big and both Shea and Callahan concurred that the trash needs to be taken out daily.  Meimeteas recommends they visit their restaurant website in ME.  Shea asked if Meimeteas can guarantee the trash will be taken care of every day.  Meimeteas affirmed that he will make sure trash is handled.  Wants an area to store oil (an enclosure) that looks nice.  Tuttle confirmed that the rear entrance faces the water.  Meimeteas said it would be about 8 x 14.  No need to build out a huge area.  Shea said they need to approve the fencing area.  Meimeteas will do whatever is necessary to make it look nice.  

Shea said he doesn’t mind if Meimeteas changes the color.  Meimeteas also said the rope will give it a nautical look, similar to the restaurant photos from Maine.  Gives the restaurant a nice, neat look.  

Burke expressed concern that the outside picnic tables would potentially create a cleanliness issue.  Burke said that in the lease, if they sign, the number of barrels needed has to be specified.

Shea asked a question about area to be roped in.  Meimeteas is looking at eight picnic tables and would be like two rows with umbrellas on top.  Concerned they may be giving too much park land.  Meimeteas responded that it’s really for the customers to keep customers away from the street.

Burke asked if Meimeteas is anticipating having grass or crushed stone.  They may put the crushed stone by the picnic tables.  Burke wants to see a drawing of how this is visualized and wants the drawing to scale with the area compared to the building and where Meimeteas wants to put the crushed stone.  

Callahan asked about the time frame to start.  Meimeteas responded that he’s aware that this may take until July or longer.  Meimeteas responded that it’s most likely going to happen for next year.

Shea personally wants to get this going for this year.  Shea wants to know how the 1200 square feet is going to work out.  Shea’s inclined to vote for it tonight to get it moving.  5 year lease with 5 year option.  Will remove the spend 35k, daily trash, ground details, etc.

Burke wants to see what it would exactly look like.  Likes all of it – from picture on proposal. Meimeteas wants to use more of a grey with blue awnings with blue umbrellas and not to flashy.  Burke also asked if the sign would be lit and Meimeteas responded that it would be some type of up-lighting with maybe some lights underneath.

Burke asked about months open. Tuttle suggested it be from April 15 – Nov 15.  Shea suggested that Meimeteas not limit the time.  Shea asked Meimeteas if he’s a licensed contractor and Meimeteas replied that he was.

Burke moves to approve application subject to Meimeteas coming back with a to scale drawing and a footprint of what he expects to put in and the signage with the earlier restrictions Shea mentioned earlier, with at least 30k in perm improvements to be made to the property.

Tuttle seconds.  


Callahan wants to see it go as quickly as possible, but knows it will take time.  Shea suggests that Meimeteas call the Mayor’s office with the process to make sure everything’s doing right.  Assuming the Commission approves it tonite.  Passes unanimously.  Burke asked Meimeteas to come back with the info next month.

Keri Cahill – Rebel Shakespeare, Winter Island

Wants to hold Rebel Shakespeare at Winter Island again this year.  They’ve modified the program and have less staff to make it more intimate.  Enrollment is 70% Salem residents. Had free workshops for over 100 Salem students.  Wants to have a fundraiser at Winter Island.  Scholarship funds for Salem families only this year.  Volunteer efforts as well.  

Shea stated they do a great job.  Callahan asked David Gilbert, Manager of Winter Island, if they do a great job, and Gilbert responded that they do.

Tuttle motioned to have them back and Burke seconds. Motion passes unanimously.

Pat Burke – Jack Rubin Memorial Golf Tournament

Requesting date for annual golf tournament.  Tournament funds raised are for Salem High School.   Sept 16th is their first choice date.  Two $500 scholarships to Salem students in the athletic dept.  Burke asked if this the third year and Pat Burke said it was.  The cost is $5 per golfer.

Callahan moved to approve the tournament with a second by Tuttle with date to be confirmed at a later time.

Pam Katsiris – Greek Family Picnic, Winter Island

Returning from last month and is hoping to present a new proposal to the commission.  All event staff park off site.  Suggest anything over 200 cars pay standard Winter Island parking fee.  Set up resident parking area.  

Shea asked Gilbert about the number of cars to park on Winter Island.  Gilbert there’s room for about 200 cars.  Confirmed that the contract said they could have up to 200 people & parking fee is waived.  Shea asked to look at contract, which stated the parking fee was waived.  Burke expressed that there were bathroom issues.  Shea stated they have to live up to the contract that was signed.  Katsiris said they’ll bring in additional port-a-potties.  

Burke requested that Katsiris monitor the consumption of alcohol within the Pavillion, with a police officer present. Shea stated that it will be up to Katsiris and staff to get a hold of the situation and could have an impact on future approvals next year.  Katsiris will be in touch with Gilbert regarding port-a-potties rentals for the site.   Callahan stated that if there are issues with people drinking outside the Pavilion, the police can shut the bar down, but it’s better for event people to handle this in advance.

Gilbert made a comment that the Greek Festival cannot use the Juniper bulletin board.  Katsiris asked the lady who’s in charge of the board and she said no.  Asked if the event people could put up a free-standing sign, and Shea said that was ok.

Charlotte Alimenti – Bridgewell

Requesting use of Camp Naumkaug for their program.  June 20th. Good place for an outing.   There from 4:30-7:00pm.  They have cookout type food and music at a reasonable volume.  Highlight of their year.  Private and the people they serve are developmentally disabled adults.  Partanen asked David Gilbert if there’s any conflict with YMCA camp.  Gilbert confirmed there was no conflict with YMCA start time.

Alimenti asked about planting a garden there this year.

Burked moved to approve application and seconded by Tuttle.  Passes unanimously.

Albert Pszenny & John Reardon – Joe Andruszkiewicz Scholarship Fund

Ask for Camp Naumkaug fee to be waived.  Give four Salem High School scholarships each year. 16th year of doing it.  Inviting Salem Police, Fire, etc.  Giving some of funds raised to One Fund Boston and to variety of youth program in Salem.  

Callahan moves to waive fee and second by Tuttle.  Passes Unanimously.  Partanen stated the date was ok.

Wicked Running Club – Miles Over the Moon Road Race

Shari Hewson & Alison Phalen – co-race directors for the 3rd annual race.  Raises $ for north shore schools cross country track program.  Have the event approved by the police and City Council.  Doesn’t go into the Willows.  Works with Salem Common Association where it starts/finishes.  Callahan asked why they’re here.  Asking for the use of the Common for the event.  They rent port-a-potties for the event and clean up the park and do the recycling.  Date is available.  

Burke moves to approve and seconded by Tuttle.

Superintendent’s Report

Golf Course Report – Paul Lever

Pro Shop – on track #’s wise. Mid-April was down.  Already made up $30k of that.  Made that up in 3-4 months.  Any day it’s sunny, the place is mobbed. Scott’s dealing with the pro shop.  Only real issue is that they’re so busy, they’re running out of golf cars.  They have 24 and need 32. Having a meeting with golf cart people tomorrow.  Going to Council to get increase in seasonal staff budget.  No policing of the area and property is getting damaged.

Making people sign out golf cart keys.  If they don’t get a handle on this, they’ll need to take drivers licenses, a deposit, etc.

Concessions open – food’s good.  Weather isn’t doing so well. Got open a bit late.  They seem to be doing all the right things.  Should have liquor license this week.  Once that happens, it should approve.

Tuttle: Hours?  Lever – morning to 7ish.  Lever – people need to know it’s open.

On the Golf Course side of it, Partanen gave more control of budget which has allowed him to make more course improvements.  Have been able to find funds to improve the greens and the tees.  The greens aeration finished yesterday.  Easier than before. Less of a strain on maintenance crew.  Getting the property done better. Pump house is to be updated. Got held up for parts.  To be done next week.

The weather (cold) has impacted the look of the place.  8th tee expansion is being worked on.  Summer help is coming back and they’ll work on it in next month.  Concentration on 1st hole improvements and wants to do more detail work. Field irrigation is holding things up and have been replacing heads and old steel pipe.  

Future plans – wants to get it back to former glory. In 1933, it was like a links style course (like in Scotland).  He wants to expand either the 1st or 9th green by changing the soil profile (which will take a year), strip it sod cut it and put sod down. New irrigation needs to be put down.  Golf course issues. Invites Commission members to take a tour.  Car paths might get approved.  Bunkers – the existing 16 left in horrible shape. Doesn’t want to put money into them until they’re all in good shape.  Wants to get some grass around them.  Sand is a lot of money.  Some tees are too small. Drainage is a huge problem.  A lot of the drainage that’s been done, has been done on the cheap, which is known to collapse.  

Shea stated that everyone who golfs there says you and Scott are doing a great job and hopefully we can focus on one thing at a time over time.  

Partanen requested more seasonal staffing to help and put in an equipment lease so we don’t have to use old stuff and have purchased it.

Shea commented that the key is getting stuff approved. If revenue is up, it’s easier to get more money.  Revenue is 3% higher than last year.  The additional monies coming in for April came from passes, etc.   Shea also asked if the 8th tee will be finished and Lever said he hopes so.  

Shea commented about the 7th hole and the elevated tee. He asked if there are plans to get that done within (or by next) year.  Lever said he hopes so.  Lever has a plan for every hole.

Shea asked what needs to happen to get more golf carts?  Partanen said she’s not sure if they can get more from the company they’re working with and they’d likely have to provide more.  Both Partanen and Lever will need to look out how they can get more next year.  Lever said that they’ll need to get more carts and probably have to put that out for a new contract.  Partanen said that in the future, they’ll be able to make more profit on it for having to budget for maintenance on carts in the future.

Burke commented that the course looks great. Pond was eliminated on 9 and it could be improved.  3rd fairway is a lot drier.  Agrees with Lever about the greens.  Burke was wondering if the trees getting attacked by bittersweet is a problem.  Lever wants to cut everything down.  Tuttle asked if there any way we can budget to get more money to deal with drainage and/or can we do 2 bunkers a year or something.

Partanen commented that the Golf Course is operated very differently than golf courses usually run.  Feels it should be organized differently and thinks they should have a full time manager.  The maintenance team could benefit from the additional staffing.

Shea said that if the revenue continues to go up like it has, it would make it easier to hire Scott full time.  

Tuttle asked Lever what the real priorities are.  Car paths are horrendous to the golf course.  Help wise, Lever wants more staff to assist him.  Shea asked if they’re getting more temp help and Partanen said they were.  Tuttle asked if he’s getting a ranger, and Partanen said it’ll depend on how the budget gets approved.

Lever commented that by the end of this year, he’ll have a better handle on how the money actually works.

Review monthly revenue reports

Partanen stated that Winter Island is doing well.

Willows Pier

Partanen stated that it’s out to bid and has been blocked off.  Insurance has denied the claim and they’re fighting that.  Partanen is looking into rebuilding it higher for the amount of money they spend on it.  Shea asked if it was repairable and Partanen said the engineer said it can’t be done.  $75k repair.

Bertram Field Fee’s

Partanen will put in a build to put excess soil to golf course.  Will have to consider usage fees.  Shea said that he thought it was going to be run by the school department and Partanen said outside school usage, the city runs it.  Partanen sees it as a revenue source.   

June 18th meeting, Tim will attend

Partanen will not be at next meeting – daughter’s graduation

CPA Vote

Callahan nominates Tuttle and Burke seconds. Passes unanimously.  Tuttle is nominated.

Parks & Facility

Class of 1948 Salem High School Reunion Winter Island Function Hall

Councilor McCarthy asked if they can use Winter Island function hall in September.  Callahan suggests they waive fee. Shea asked Partanen to just to that.

Playground repairs at Winter Island

Partanen stated that the repairs were fairly inexpensive.

Castle Hill Playground Project

Replacing the structure, fixing drainage, ect.

Willows Tree Service

Doing 5 days of tree service to get the area cleaned up. Shea suggested covers be put on barrels to prevent seagulls from pulling the bags out. Partanen stated that they’ve been ordered for both the Willows and Winter Island.

McGrath Field Conditions

Because of use, it needs the attention similar to the greens.  For budgetary reasons, she’s getting a quote for servicing, aerating it.  The current provider is not doing a great job. Partanen is looking to get figures on the cost to see about getting it done right.

Collins Cove - next project

Depending on budget approval, is the next project.

New Business

Had a woman call regarding a mentoring program to waive fee for a youth to enter with no fee.  Callahan said Partanen has the authority to do that.

Request to have a film called Space Travelers done at Pioneer Village.  Concern about whether it’s a joke or not.  It needs to be sent over to Ellen Bronkowski (spelling?)

David Goss wants to continue to run Pioneer Village. Insurance would come with it.  Shea confirmed that he’s going to run it and keep the money.  Partanen said that they don’t make much on this.  It will be put out to bid.  Partanen wants David to go down there and have Elizabeth from the Witch House down there to help.  Perhaps have Elizabeth do a combo ticket to both places.  Callahan suggests Elizabeth oversee it to keep the Pioneer Village open.  The commissioners agreed.  

Burke expressed his thanks to Partanen for compiling all the parks regulations and put them on the website. Was concerned about BB guns.  The police didn’t know about the paint ball rules.  There are also people on the west side off of Highland Avenue with BB guns.  Found there were no rules about that.  Recommending that BB guns not be allowed in parks.  Wants to take this up in the next meeting.  If the park is closed, anyone on the property is considered trespassing.  Wants to put on the agenda for next meeting.

Shea recommended that it’s time we make Winter Island a park.  Thinks we might write a letter to the City Solicitor to make it officially a City Park.  The idea, Shea says, is that makes it parkland.  Burke said we have to look the deed.  Partanen asked about Shea’s reason for suggesting this.  And, he said it was for preservation.  Shea wants to write a letter to the City Solicitor to find out the procedure for making it a park.  Partanen asked about how it might impact fees collected.

Callahan motioned to adjourn and Tuttle seconded at 8:38pm

Adjournment Next Meeting June 18, 2013